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Unique questions and answers for Electrical engineers

1.   W hat is a Josephson junction? Answer: A Josephson junction is a type of superconducting device that can be used as a sensitive detector of electromagnetic radiation.      2.       What is the Meissner effect? Answer: The Meissner effect is a phenomenon where a                                      superconductor expels magnetic fields from its interior.  3.       What is a SQUID? Answer: A SQUID, or superconducting quantum interference device, is a type of sensor that can detect extremely small magnetic fields. 4.       What is a piezoelectric material? Answer: A piezoelectric material is a type of material that can generate an electrical voltage when subjected to mechanical stress. 5.       What is a ferroelectric material? Answer: A ferroelectric material is a type of material that has a spontaneous electric polarization that can be reversed by an external electric field. 6.       What is a thermoelectric material? Answer: A thermoelectric material is a material that c